Welcome to MCO 250 Spring 2022

A photo of a person using a laptop computer
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

The Medium assignment requires a story of around 250 words, an engaging headline, an appropriate image (that you have permission to use), image captions and ALT text, at least one link to a source, and at least one “tag.”

Be careful to format your story appropriately. Avoid long blocks of text. And embed your links in text rather than pasting them directly onto the page. (Avoid this: https://smartblogger.com/how-to-make-a-hyperlink/)

Please proofread before pushing the publish button. Share it to your Twitter feed. If you have the same log-in for Twitter as you do for Medium, this is easy. If you don’t, you will have to copy the URL and paste it into Twitter. You can edit the “I just published” text.

